Thursday, November 17, 2011

Go to the Job Fair! Get the picture of your career fiedl!~

Some international students might think that they are not attractive to prospective employers in the United States, so they plan to go back to their home country right after finishing their studies.

One day, I was surprised to hear from one international student that she was not going to a career fair on campus because no employer would be interested in hiring international students.

You may say, “We attended the job fair on campus last semester, but it was quite disappointing because not many companies in our career field participated and they did not seem to be interested in talking with international students” Some students may wonder what the point of attending the career fair is if most of the employers told them to apply online.

However, the reason why employers ask candidates to post their resume on line is because technology contributes to more effective and cost effective application process. Actually it does not hurt for you to post your resume through online even if you meet employers in person and show your resume on the spot.

Thus, I encourage all of you to participate in the job fair! By going to the job fair, you can get a perspective of what employers look for, what your major looks like in the current job market, and what are some trends in your career field. It does not matter whether you currently have a job or not.

Here is the blog that explains why career fairs are important for everyone.

However, I want to emphasize that attending a career fair is more important for international students who have not had any working experience in the United States. Although you cannot be offered a job, you may have a chance to work in the training program that companies usually offer through the career fair. The internship experience will work like one tool to make you stand among the candidates for your future job interview.

“Be positive! You should know that you are more competitive than the other candidates because you speak at least two languages and understand cultural differences through your personal experience let alone your knowledge of your major.

Keep in mind when you go to the job fair,

Be dressed professionally!

Bring at least 20 resumes!

Prepare for meeting prospective employers!

Who knows, you can be offered a good job on the spot or get a chance to do an interview in your dream job at the career fair.

Oh one more thing that I want to remind you is, "Consult your career development advisor to polish your resume and learn how to prepare for the interview! "

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